Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Greatest Cartoon Ever Made

Step aside "Bad Luck Blackie"! Screw you "What's Opera Doc"! Hit the bricks "Great Piggy Bank Robbery"! Today I am posting what is universally regarded by grimy alcoholics with heavy gambling debt as "The Greatest Cartoon Ever Made". That's right. I'm talkin' about "The Male Man"! The Fleischer Talkartoon was released in April 1931 and has everything that a cartoon could ever need: pathos, bathos, morality,  immorality, high drama, low drama, middle drama, metaphor, singapore, creepy drunks climbing down chimneys,  giant gelatinous envelopes and weirdos in mailboxes. Why "Male" instead of "Mail"? Watch and discover for yourself! 

"Okay Colonel!"


p spector said...

I love that ersatz stream of consciousness imagination (for lack of a better thought-out term) they used back then: ya think of it, ya animate it. Wish they still made more like that.

I've seen that gag with the different mail sorting slots all leading to the same bag used several times over the subsequent decades. This is the earliest instance of it I can recall (but then again I've led a sheltered life.) Kept in the Fleischer/Famous lineage with Crazytown(?) in the 50s.

Unknown said...

yeah thats a damn good cartoon

Thad said...

I thought the greatest cartoon ever made was "Gypped in Egypt." This is close though...

J.V. (AKA "White Pongo") said...

They are both "The Greatest Cartoon Ever Made". Coming Soon: "The Greatest Cartoon Ever Made".

Harvey Rothman said...

Aw and not Swing You Sinners?

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