Friday, February 19, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Well, to be honest it looks like the video is shutting down on Blogger at least at the moment. I'll be going through in the next little while and removing video that doesn't work while eliminating some of the more 'verbal diarrhea' posts. I'll be leaving up all the images tho.


Frank M. Young said...

Leave your commentaries intact! They're really enjoyable--they complement the cartoons very well, in my humble opinion!

J.V. (AKA "White Pongo") said...

Thanks for the cheer up. Actually, those last two commentaries of mine seemed to be leaning towards sanctimonious - a quality which I find doesn't respect the reader's intelligence much. Narcissism is Worth-less alright! My new approach will be to post more funny images from 30's cartoons than text unless they are dirty jokes. If I have a point (like in my post on 'Musical Memories') I'll write something more Professor Uncle John! I already have my monocle and pipe ready!

Anonymous said...

aww i was going to search if there was any videos of dick & larry....and now this happens?

oh well, at least it solved one of my problems now i know why the blogger videos dont seem to work.

Anyway thanks for all the uploading of the videos & thanks for writing that article about

Cartoon madness where mae questel appears on the fleischer newsreel, if i had not have brought that i wouldnt have been happy <3

Belle Dee said...

Nooooo! No more video?! The videos from last October are still working though and that makes me happy. I'll just have to watch them a bunch of times, until the video goes out.
I totally agree with Frank about the comments. When I discovered your blog, I went back thru the archives and read all the old posts. And I only do that with blogs I really, really like! (that's a double really)

J.V. (AKA "White Pongo") said...

It's weird. The video shut down altogether a little less than a month ago. Since then some video has been restored while others seem to come on and turn off arbitrarily. I'm taking a wait and see attitude. Thanks for the kind words!

Daniel [] said...

I'd be surprised if the video weren't fully or almost fully restored with time.

Anyway, I'm all for your shaping and reshaping this 'blog to keep yourself happiest (or least unhappy), but I see no reason otherwise for you to go back and change your entries.

J.V. (AKA "White Pongo") said...

It was a good excuse to KO those last two posts - like I said: sanctimonious. I have realized I am not a folk singer for which we are all a little happier. The answer, my friend, is blowing up the cat (or dog or monkey or shed filled with fireworks).

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